Warum bieten kugelsichere Westen keinen Ganzkörperschutz wie alte Rüstungen?


In ancient times, there were no guns, and medical treatment was poor. Wearing thick clothing sacrificed flexibility, which was indeed effective in saving lives at that time. Now that we have guns, wearing bulletproof vests requires flexibility. Therefore, the focus of bulletproof vests now is to protect important organs such as the heart and lungs. Even if other parts are shot, modern medical technology can assist. Of course, not all bulletproof vests only protect the heart and lungs. Nowadays, those vests are all available in different models, such as IMTV/PC for regular troops or Iotvgen4, which are large area protective vests, and even have crotch and hip protection.

Why don't bulletproof vests provide full body protection like ancient armor?

As for why full body bulletproof vests are rare, in fact, the European style full body armor was not heavily equipped in the past, and a considerable portion was used by nobles to compete in martial arts, which was to some extent a capital for the family to show off.

While protecting the entire body of the miscellaneous soldiers, it allows them to bear dozens of pounds more, and each miscellaneous soldier costs tens of thousands of dollars more. This miscellaneous soldier's full body protection will also be penetrated by various things such as heavy machine guns, fragments/shock waves from landmines/shells/hand grenades, chemical weapons, biological weapons, etc. The miscellaneous soldiers also scold the Ministry of Defense for not considering soldiers and forcing them to wear such heavy things;


Or only protect the head and torso that are most vulnerable to being hit and the most important to save a large amount of money to build a garden? The miscellaneous soldiers are also grateful to the Ministry of Defense for understanding them, not letting them carry so much weight, but also valuing their lives and issuing them bulletproof vests?

Of course, there is also a special presence here, which is Russia. A legendary military unit inherited from World War II and now known as the Combat Engineer. In order to achieve the purpose of cooling down, wearing this item requires a layer of water-cooled vest and water-cooled shorts. I remember the total weight of this combat suit is almost 30 kilograms.

In summary, the type of full body armor used by ancient samurai still exists in modern times, but the materials used to manufacture armor have changed from primitive handmade iron to present-day Kevlar and ceramics. However, the limitations of this type of armor's use are too great, making it rare to see it nowadays.

armor plates

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